
Provider identification

Service provider and responsible for this online offer according to § 5 TMG / § 55 RStV is

kom·pass Financing and Start-up advice

Markus Bodenmüller
Yorckstraße 51
10965 Berlin
Fon: +49(0)30 12059533


Proprietor: Markus Bodenmüller

VAT ID No.: DE237334544

Web design and technical implementation

inter-facies Medienberatung | Medienkonzeption | Mediendesign

Legal notice

Concession license according to § 34c GewO

Licensing authority: Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 31, 10178 Berlin
Post address: 13341 Berlin
Telephone: +49(0)30 9018-20

Concession license according to § 34i GewO

Licensing authority: BA Tempelhof-Schöneberg von Berlin
Ordnungs- und Gewerbeamt
Tempelhofer Damm 165
12099 Berlin

Registration Authority: Industrie- und Handelskammer Berlin
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin

Registration number D-W-107-NF3Y-72

Professional liability insurance for real estate insurers has been taken out with:

R+V Allgemeine Versicherungs AG 
Voltastraße 84 
60486 Frankfurt

Scope of insurance coverage:

Vermögensschadenshaftpflichtversicherung für Immobiliardarlehensvermittler

Liability for contents

All contents are created and checked with great care, but no guarantee can be given for the actuality, correctness and completeness. The kom·pass gründungsberatung is therefore not liable for any damages in connection with the use of this content.

Non-binding nature of the information

All information provided is non-binding and can be changed, supplemented or deleted by kom·pass gründungsberatung at any time.

Liability for external links

kom·pass gründungsberatung, Markus Bodenmüller, accepts no liability for the content of external online offers to which it refers by hyperlink or from which it is referred. Those contents are subject to the responsibility and liability of the respective providers.


The copyright for the texts, images and graphics presented on these Internet pages as well as for their creative arrangement is held by kom·pass gründungsberatung, Markus Bodenmüller, unless otherwise stated. Imitation of any kind, reproduction, editing, distribution or other use is not permitted without the prior written consent of kom·pass gründungsberatung, Markus Bodenmüller, or the respective copyright holder.